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Showing posts from December, 2020

The man and the cactus

  Once upon a time, in Africa there was the largest dessert called the Sahara desert. People who lived near that dessert thought that the dessert was cursed. Because whoever entered that desert never returned.  One day a group of travellers visited the village. The villagers showed them the whole village, but non of them took a step forward into the desert.  The villagers told the travellers folk tales about the desert. One of the travellers wanted to explore the desert. But the villagers warned him. Ignoring all the warnings, the brave man entered the desert.  He took a camel, a knife and a bottle of water with him. He walked continuously through the desert. All the water he brought had dried up.   The man walked and fell on the ground. He was so close to death as he saw a plant with thrones on it instead of leaves. The man  crawled toward that plant. Using his knife he cut the plant and for his delight there was water in it. He drank the water and got all his strength back. He a piec

The Moon

Once upon a time, there lived 2 boys named Ben and Jack. They were best friends. One day a new family moved near Ben's house. There was a girl in that family, her name was Jenny. She soon became friends with Ben and Jack. One day Ben went to Jack's house. When he was returning, it was night. There was no light. So Jack got lost and it became late when he reached home. So Jack's father scolded him. Next day Jack told Ben and Jenny what happened.  Jenny had a wonderful idea, Ben was good at clay modelling, Jack was a painter and Jenny could do some magic. Jenny asked Ben to make a huge ball with the clay he had and Jack to paint the clay ball silver. It took some time but the boys finished their work. After they completed their work, Using her magic jenny made the silver ball glow and fixed it high in the sky.   From that day onwards the people started calling it the "Moon" meaning beauty. 

About My Blog

  I made this blog to publish all the stories I have written until now. Reading is my hobby, and I got interested in Stories of my own. My very first story was The Moon. I started by writing small stories poems and songs, information, and upgraded myself in writing novel like stories. I hope everyone who reads my blog enjoys it.😃                                                                Thank you