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Showing posts from February, 2021

Sweety's tales of horror part-2

At the door step was standing her cousins Daisy, Lily and their parents. They had come to spend their summer holiday with their grand mother. Sweety called her grand mother. All of them had tea that evening. After Sweety's Uncle and Aunt left. Sweety asked her grand mother  "Can Lily  sleep in my room grandma" "Yes, that is if she agrees." Then Lily said, "I agree" Daisy asked in distress, "Then What about me?" "You can sleep in the room next to mine." Replied their Grand mother. Daisy frowned at them. After dinner their grand mother praised Lily and Sweety for eating all the vegetables. She showed Daisy them as examples on how to eat. About mid night their was a knock on Sweety's room door. Lilly woke up and opened it. but their was no one.  Lily got scared and woke Sweety up, she left the door open. Sweety asked  "What's wrong?"  "Their was a knock on the door, but when I opened it there was no one" &qu

A poem for a mother's birthday

Your hair is like the night sky,  With stars glowing clearly. And with eyes as brown as the earth, With a shine of silver rarely. With a petal of pink rose as your lips,  And not a very pointy nose tip. You might grow older every day,  But you behave young every second I should say.  Have a very happy birthday

Sweety's tales of horror

  Once, but not very long ago, there lived a young girl by the name of Sweety. She was 15 years old an she was a very talented acrobat and very smart. Her family lived on farming. But for a few months there was a drought an all the plants died. Since Sweety's parents were in difficulty, they sent Sweety to her grandmother's house. Which was half castle, half farm house and half way up a mountain. After Sweety reached her grandmother's house her parents left.  Sweety went to her room and had a wash and she came to the dinning room for tea. at that time there was aloud knock at the door, suddenly it stopped. Again it started, a loud knock on the door and it stopped Sweety with all her courage opened the door.  At the door step was standing... ____________To be continued____________

Love quotes for sweet hearts

πŸ’–There are only two times that I want to be with you, now and forever. πŸ’Ÿ A: I love my eyes. πŸ’Ÿ B: I love mine more. πŸ’Ÿ  A: Because without mine. πŸ’ŸB:  I can't see yours. πŸ’A hundreds hearts would be too few To carry all my love for you. πŸ’žMy heart is, always and will be yours forever. πŸ’•When I close my eyes I see you and when I open my eyes I miss you. πŸ’˜Love is not about how much you say "I love you" it's about how much you prove its true. πŸ’–To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world. (and that one person is me)

Love at War (part-2)

  "Ok, go away, I'll be there" replied Kevin. As Erin left, Kevin put his hand in the dustbin. For his surprise, a maid entered his tent, and gave a cup full of tea. After thanking the maid, the maid left. Then Kevin put his hand in the dustbin and took out the letter. On the letter it said  'Dear Kevin,  After what you did for me back at my tent, I can't sleep nor eat. I got to know who you were from one of my guards. I hope are feeling well. I would like to meet you tomorrow morning, before sunrise, at the highest hill of the city. I hope you be there. I'm sure I will. Meet you there.  Love Jessica' After Reading the letter Kevin's face lit up with joy. He got up and finished all the works he had to finish. Kevin woke up next morning early and without any one noticing him he left the camp. At the highest hill waiting the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Even beautiful than he last seen her. Very nervously Kevin showed up and said "Hi."

Legend of the princess and the 5 protectors

  Introduction Once there was a legend that a girl will be born with the power of creating or destroying a galaxy with the blink of an eye. Legend also said that the girl will be born a princess even if not born in a royal family. She would be princess to an unknown place to mankind called Marvelegant land. The 5 protectors of the princess also have powers, each of them consist of 1 power. Those powers are ice, wind, water, fire and earth.     In Marvelegant land there were 5 groups namely frost, puff, aqua, flame and terrain. Even if they had different powers they were all united. There were a pair of husband and wife Robert Force and Alena Force,  Elena   Robert  who’s first born child was a girl. She was named Emily Force. At the same time of her birth there were 5 other children born too. Jack Glaze, Max Breeze, Robin Pool, Maria Salvo and Olivia Turf. All six of them grew up together and slowly their powers started to appear. Everyone started to notice the difference by the wa