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Showing posts from March, 2021

Are Ideas Available?

  Looking for ideas of what sorts of inventions will be available in the future. For a tale Eg: Flying cars Virtual phones Solar charger Life like, robot  labor Self repairing machines Field trip to mars Etc. Your names will be mentioned as  co-authored in the story.   Comment your ideas with your names in this post at   By: Elena

Freedom fighters

Once upon a time it was told, That there were people who were brave and bold, Who fought for their country, And alas they were free, Only after they were tortured, Even some were butchered, But they never stepped down, Until they removed the enemy's crown, Lets remember those who gave us a free future, Who went through struggle and torture. In memorial of every freedom fighter. By: Elena & Nadee


  Once upon a time there lived a family. They had 8 members in their family. There were 3 boys and 3 girls and the parents. Their names were Jack, Ella, Rose, Sweety, Johnny and Robin. Their parent’s names were Roxy and Nick. One day Ella and Jack went to pick up some coconut from the coconut field. Jack knew how to climb but Ella didn’t, so Jack pulled her up after he got up. Ella was striving hard to hold on without falling. Jack pulled down a coconut and all of a sudden he heard someone shouting “arr, ow that hurts, stop that” Jack thought it was Ella and said “stop shouting Ella” Ella replied “I didn’t shout” Then Jack said “then who shouted” then a coconut said " if you want me to come off you just ask you know” and it came off and they all fell down and they picked some coconuts that fell down when they fell. They took the talking coconut and asked it questions and its name is Conut. And he lost his family and they asked how Conut took a deep breath and said “once in a m

Legend of the princess and the 5 protectors (part-2)

  “Your child belongs to us” said those extra ordinarily white people. Elena got shocked and called her husband Robert. He rushed to the front door, where his wife was standing. As soon as Elena got of her shock, Elena and Robert asked them to come inside. After entering the house, one of the white  people said “We are  the cloud people. We have come here for your  daughter. She  is the legendary princess of Marvelegant land  and we have to  take her to the cloud kingdom and crown her  as our princess.  Because every ten years, seven people from  different places  and different family are born with different  powers; not  including the five protectors. But this time it’s  different, the  time your daughter was born all twelve of  them were born at  the same time. It has never happened like this before and so  as tradition she should be our princess. We shall take her to our kingdom and keep her there forever.” “What!” Everyone turned to see who it was, from where  the voice  came

A man with a hat

  Once there was a man with a hat, Who had a pet cat, Whose name was pat. He said he lived in the house, Of his best friend mouse. He said he has a curse, And he uses his sisters pink purse. By: Elena

Sweety's tales of horror (Part 3)

  "Lies" Shouted an anonymous voice... Sweety and Lily got scared. Sweety stood up with all her courage and asked  "Who is it? and what do you want" "I am your night mare, and I want your soul" That night Sweety and Lily could not sleep. Next day Sweety and Lily said their grandma what happened last night.  "Ha ha ha, I've been living here for more than 50 years and nothing like what you told ever happened to me" Lily went in despair but Sweety tried to explain what happened to them. Suddenly Sweety heard Lily shout and Sweety rushed to see what happened. The roof of her room had broken down and fell on the bed.