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Legend of the princess and the 5 protectors (part-2)

 “Your child belongs to us” said those extra ordinarily white people. Elena got shocked and called her husband Robert. He rushed to the front door, where his wife was standing. As soon as Elena got of her shock, Elena and Robert asked them to come inside.

After entering the house, one of the white

 people said “We are

 the cloud people. We have come here for your

 daughter. She

 is the legendary princess of Marvelegant land

 and we have to

 take her to the cloud kingdom and crown her

 as our princess.

 Because every ten years, seven people from

 different places

 and different family are born with different

 powers; not

 including the five protectors. But this time it’s

 different, the

 time your daughter was born all twelve of

 them were born at

 the same time. It has never happened like this before and so

 as tradition she should be our princess. We shall take her to our kingdom and keep her there forever.”


Everyone turned to see who it was, from where

 the voice

 came, it was Emily who was standing near her

 room door.

“I heard what you said and I won’t leave my

 parents!” Emily

 shouted aggressively.

“Not now, nor ever!” Emily’s eyes turned red,

 from golden hair with a pink stripe, her hair

 turned into the colour of the blazing red fire.

 Some strange lines started to appear in her

 wrist to the back of her palm. Using her hand,

 she threw fire rings at those people. Then the

 leader of those white people made a strong

 breeze of wind at Emily. Emily easily made a

 shield of fire and it protected her. 

By:- Elena


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