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Jack, Ella and Conut the coconut (Part-2)


And the coconut person was Conut’s sister Casy. 

Conut introduced Casy to Jack and Ella, then Casy said” Hi, I am Casy. We can’t waste any time so let’s go to The Dark Ice Cave!” then Conut said “Ok, Let’s go” and teleported them to a dark ice cave it looked just like the coconut maze they were going and going then they took a break. In the break Ella sat on a piece of ice then Jack saw it coming down slowly saw he said “Ella get up now!” when Ella got up the piece of ice went down and coconut monsters made out of ice came and started chasing them, so they started running and running but from all sides and got them then one of the monsters said “Master we got two humans and two coconut people” then a voice said “are the coconut people who I asked you to find” then that monster asked “Who?” then the voice said “Remember what I’m saying” and  said  “Once upon a time in a magical world in my, my brother and my sister’s coronation day. We invited everyone and forgot to invite a witch and when we were being crowned kings and queen, the witch came and separated me and my family.” This story felt similar to Jack, Ella, Casy and Conut. Then that that voice said “I will come and check whether the coconut people are them” and he came and it was,

To be continued...

By:- Elena & Zaheem


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