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Broken Power (Part-3)

So after they went home they opened the letter and in it was written something like a code

Each of them took a try and finally when it was Max’s turn he took a look and then said “these words are jumbled I found some words “eht” means “the”, “os” means “so”, “emsa” means “same”, “eb” means “be” and “aket” means “take”. I will find the other words I will tell them tomorrow”. So he went with the letter. He found that what was written on it was the alien language he tried more and more and finally found a tiny recording device with a recording on the letter he played the recording in the recording the alien’s voice said “please come back what if they come and take the ring”. So he found the rest and went to sleep. The next day Max came and said “what is written on the letter is, the power is a broken power take good care of it. Use it right and it will help you beat Rendo. Save my captain from Rendo and Rendo has another ring with the same crystal so be safe”...




By: Zaheem & Elena



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